Sunday, July 29, 2012


Copied from my other blog.

My husband and our old roommates used to make mead, and I loved it, but we only messed with making it once while I lived there, so when we moved into our own home I really wanted to make my own, but we didn't have any of the supplies. One day we were helping a friend move and she had a flask filled with Loki, it tasted so good I Googled it and found the recipe on my favorite mixed drink site It is not a mead, but made with Everclear, sugar, vanilla extract, almond extract, and water. We made our first batch November 2011 by cutting the recipe in half to make one gallon.

1/2 Gallon Water
2 pounds Sugar
1/2 Cup Pure Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Pure Almond Extract
750 ml bottle of Everclear (also known as a fifth)

We opted for better ingredients, using raw cane sugar, and pure extracts instead of imitation, and filtered water for the best tasting end product.

You will not need the apple juice for this recipe, just the clean empty bottle, or you could possibly use a plastic container since there is enough alcohol in here to kill a man, but I chose to just use the glass jug and be on the safe side.

1. First mix your water and sugar together in a large pot over medium heat until all the sugar melts. The water will be a clear brown when you're done (EDIT: I used Sugar In the Raw brand this time and it's so dark can barely see the bottom of the pot. It was on the burner about 7 minutes before I gave up and pulled it off, the water was steaming and I didn't want to lose too much liquid.) If you used white sugar it will just be clear.

2. Let the sugar water cool completely.

3. Add vanilla & almond extracts and Everclear.

4. Bottle and store for at least 1-3 months.

We bottled ours November 2011, tasted it at the beginning of January and it was still like rocket fuel, tasty rocket fuel, but not really drinkable. I put it back and tried it again in late March 2012, it was much smoother but still needed to be served over ice. Later in May 2012 it was perfect, we pulled it out for a get together and all agreed it was awesome. Luckily our guest lived on our street so they could stumble home. Its been hit pretty hard lately and has been requested at future gatherings so we are making another batch this weekend. We bought two gallons of apple juice, and I am almost done with one for more Loki, and the second bottle is for next weekend when I finally get to make my first batch of mead! I'll post about that after it happens.

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